BMW X5m F95 Competition CCD

BMW X5m F95 Competition car mod for City Car Driving.

Drive type: Full
Gearbox type: automatic transmission 8
Maximum power: 625 hp
Max. speed, km / h: 250
Acceleration time: 3.8 sec

The list of extras that is available:
1. Red leather in the cabin No. 1 (Red leather in the cabin No. 1)
2. Gray leather in the cabin No. 1 (Gray leather in the cabin No. 1)
3. White leather in the cabin No. 1 (White leather in the cabin No. 1)
4. Red leather in the cabin No. 2 (Red leather in the cabin No. 2)
5. Gray leather in the cabin No. 2 (Gray leather in the cabin No. 2)
6. White leather in the cabin No. 2 (White leather in the cabin No. 2)
7. Gray ceiling (Gray ceiling)
8. Black Edition (Black Edition)
9. Without numbers
10. Wide frames (Wide frames)
11. Black stock wheels (Wheels BMW x5m Black)
12. F90 wheels (Wheels BMW M5 F90)
13. M4 wheels (Wheels BMW M4 No. 1)
14. Wheels m4 №2 ( Wheels BMW M4 №2)
15. Red stripes of illumination (Red interior light)
16. Turquoise stripes of illumination (Turquoise interior light)
17. Yellow stripes of illumination (Yellow interior light)
18. Green stripes of illumination (Green interior light) )
19. Purple stripes of illumination (Purple interior light)
20. Tinted hemisphere (Tinted rear windows)
21. Tinting without forehead (tinting without windshield)
22. Toning in a circle (fully tinted)
23. Gray insert in the cabin (gray insert in interior )
24. Black insert in the cabin (black insert in interior)

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File Details: ZIP / 127 MB
BMW X5m F95 Competition CCD Download Mod

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