Citroen C2 VTR Almost Finished Beta

Citroen C2 VTR Almost Finished for City Car Driving Simulator.

Corrected the physics
Corrected the suspension
Added interior
Added custom sound by Fulloyunmod from the Kia Forte Koup
Speed is correct
Added extra wheels from the Citroen C4 VTR by Trafim
Fixed the handling
Fixed the shaking body
Works reasonably well in DX9 and DX11 it already compatible
Adjusted the mirrors correctly
Made the menu screenshot pictures
Removed the steering wheel from the model for player car use then animated the steering wheel
Removed the windscreen wipers from the interior model for animating
Lot of testing to make sure everything works
Added more texture so it can work as a player car also editing N2 and a few bits to the 3D model
And whole lot more
Added Interior Signals
Added Mirrors
Added top middle brake light along with the left and right brake light
Fixing the N2 and Textures and a few bits to the 3D model
And others things that may needed doing
No Working windscreen wipers
No raindrops on the glass
No speedometer or tachometer
Fix the annoying texture on the drivers seat
No working interior headlight signal
Small gaps in the interior
Once all the bugs are fixed the actual version will be released
Better quality textures the models good enough though only the textures need improving
Add light maps
Fix small gaps in the interior
4 Wheel extras
White stripes down the middle (if you don’t what i mean see this
Stanced wheels
Aftermarket exhausts with twin or single
Low profile tires
Tuned version

File Details: RAR / 26.5 MB
Citroen C2 VTR Almost Finished Beta Download Mod

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