Nissan Skyline ER34 CCD 1.5.9

Nissan Skyline ER34 car for City Car Driving Simulator.
Nissan Skyline is a car produced in Japan since 1957, first by Prince Motor, and then by Nissan Motor, which bought Prince in 1966. To date, 13 generations of this car have been released. The first Skyline with the factory designation ALSI-1 rolled off the assembly line from 1957 to 1963 under the Prince brand and was considered a luxury car by Japanese standards. A total of 33,759 copies were sold, mainly with sedan and station wagon bodies.
The registration code is sewn into the mod.
The mod has been adapted from version It goes well sideways.
Drive type: Rear.
Gearbox type and number of gears: Mechanical – 6.
Maximum power: 280 hp
City Car Driving has been updated to version
Authors:Jaguar86RUS, Adaptation author: VAGOneLoveNissan Skyline ER34 CCD 1.5.9 Download Mod
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